The Final Countdown
When I was in high school a rock n roll band named Europe had a song called The Final Countdown. We are in the final countdown window for...
3 Days 45ish Miles
From Navia to Lourenza has been quite the hike. There are many Pilgrims logging more miles than we are. I’m not in competition with...
Animals Pray
Do animals pray? I absolutely believe they do. First why is this important, then Biblical evidence, then a couple other ideas. This is a...
Up and Down
Mountains and hills and beautiful beaches, who else walked here? We think about that often. Today we walked into a beautiful church. It...
No, no woman do not cry
Well, I didn’t write a thing yesterday. May have something to do with a bit of sunburn from my walk on the beach. Today around mile 5 I...
Cave of Altimira to Còbreces
We wandered around at the museum. The actually cave has been closed and a replicated one built just down the hill. So many people would...
9 Mile Road
So far today we have journey nine miles. The signs on the Camino are interesting. The ones on the trail where the “Peregrinos,”...
Intentional Acts of Kindness
We are strangers and in some ways it’s all strange. Traveling to a place we’ve never been before. Strange terrain, all mountains and...
Be Love
Be love! I am going to design a super cool T-Shirt that has two words on it BE LOVE. Christ gives a new commandment- that we love one...
Land Navigation
Today started out wild. I mean wild in the sense of nature- wild. We started out walking with some guys. Excellent conversation. Art,...